Shea Moisture | Production Design by Lizzie Lang | Set Dec by Elizabeth Goldsby Marketing Campaign for Faire | Production Company: Hello Stranger | Directed by Kristen Lewis | PD and Set Dec by Elizabeth Goldsby Vogue Magazine | Mary Howard Studio | Prod Design by Bette Adams | Set Dec by Elizabeth Goldsby Uglies Social Promo // Art Directed by Elizabeth Goldsby // Netflix Media Set Design by Elizabeth Goldsby for Netflix Emily in Paris Social Promo // Production Design by Elizabeth Goldsby // Netflix Media Set Design by Elizabeth Goldsby for Netflix Set Design by Elizabeth Goldsby for Netflix Scream 6 Activation Experience | Production Design by Christian Stone | Set Decoration by Elizabeth Goldsby CSWA Honda | ContagiousLA | Art Direction by Elizabeth Goldsby Kiwi: Taking Steps | Directed by Paul Dektor | Art Direction and Set Dec by Elizabeth Goldsby